Hello welcome to Mark Harden's Ami-FileSafe (AFS) FAQ.
Certain questions come up on a regular basis. Some questions are asked by users in trouble where a speedy response is required. This FAQ should reduce the number of times a question is asked while still offering help to the distressed user.
The distributors of AFS, Fourth Level Developments Ltd (FLD), told me they would write an FAQ. This failed to appear so I decided to do one. This is my effort. If you have any additions, corrections or comments then please e-mail me at faq@harden.demon.co.uk. I also monitor the AFS mailing list.
A text version has been placed on FLD's FTP server. I will make a weekly post to the AFS mailing list giving its location, how to access it and if it has changed. I will make a similar monthly post to the comp.sys.amiga.application news group. Note that FLD are expressly forbidden from changing this FAQ in any way. I will check this so that the document remains independent. Please post corrections to me and not FLD.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. I accept no responsibility for errors and omissions.
I am in no way connected with FLD. I simply use AFS. This FAQ is not intended to endorse or recommend AFS or FLD.
This FAQ is copyright (c) 1996-1977 and all rights are reserved. The text version of this FAQ may be distributed provided it is intact and proper credit is given and no cost is levied. It may not be changed in any way. Please do not copy the WWW version. Make a link so that we have one up to date version. Thank you.